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6 Reasons to Meet With a Career Coach

By June 29, 2022April 4th, 2024No Comments

Remember that time you tried to… plan your wedding, book a vacation, determine a workout routine, organize your kids playroom, design a renovation, or figure out what plants to put in your garden to maximize sun exposure, just to name a few of life’s ongoing projects. If you’re like us, you probably spent a lot of time on Pinterest researching “How to…” or “Tips for…” and pieced together a plan that hopefully turned out the way you wanted it to. Unlike the beautifully staged photos on Pinterest, sometimes you end up spending a lot of time preparing (and lots of hours researching), testing out different methods to help your ideas come to life, only to realize it would’ve been easier and faster (and often with better results) to get some outside help from the beginning. C’mon, we’ve all experienced a Pinterest fail!  

Getting advice and direction from someone who has the experience and specific knowledge about whatever it is you’re trying to do can help make the process more manageable and save you a lot of time and effort piecing it together yourself. It’s also reassuring to know that with the help of someone who knows what they’re doing, the finished product will likely be pretty darn close to that vision you have in your mind of how you want things to be.

Your career is no different. You likely have a vision of the type of career, training program, promotion, passion project, etc., that you’re looking for and a career coach is that outside help that can support you in making progress toward your goals. Since your career is a big part of your life you may want to give your career goals some attention, more than just collecting information during your evening scroll on socials and hoping to piece things together yourself.  

Here are 6 reasons you may want to meet with a career coach:

1. You want to talk about your career!

It’s a common misconception that you need to be in the market for a new job in order to benefit from meeting with a career coach. So let’s fix that right now before going any further! Meeting with a career coach is as effective and useful for people who like their career, field, job or workplace as it is for those who don’t. If you’re looking to advance in your career, find meaning in your work without changing jobs, learn to better manage your workload, or find ways of better integrating your life and work then meeting with a career coach is a great place to start. We can’t wait to hear about your ideas, thoughts and best hopes for your future and can work with you to generate ideas, discuss methods, and create a plan to get started. 

2. You want a new job.

There’s so much information out there about how to search for a job, what strategies work best, and where to begin. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed, unsure of where to start, or simply looking for guidance as you search for your next career move. Whatever your reason for wanting to connect, a career coach can talk with you about what satisfying and fulfilling work looks like to you, review how and where to search for opportunities, help you develop a plan for getting started, and support you as you start applying.

3. You’re considering a career change but don’t know where to start.

If you read our post on the 11 signs you may be ready for a career change and know you want to make a change but aren’t sure where to start, you’re definitely not alone. Are you looking for a new position, to work in a new field or industry, would you like to work with a new company, go to school or take some retraining, perhaps all of the above? A career coach can help you sort through your options and consider the career change that’s right for you. We’ll also be there as you get started and cheer you on as you begin to make progress toward your new path.

4. Simply put, you want to find a career that you enjoy.

A career coach can guide you to consider your interests, personality, skills/experience, and education/training, and then help you think about potential careers that may be a fit for you. We can either use a career assessment or go through each area individually and talk it out. We’ll also discuss your career ‘must-haves’ (those things you have to have in order to feel satisfied and fulfilled), and how your career fits into your life as a whole. You’re more likely to enjoy your work if it’s aligned with who you are and what’s important to you!

5. You want to take a career assessment (aka a career test).

This one goes nicely with #4 above! Perhaps you’re looking to find a career you love or a job you’re really interested in, or maybe you’re considering going to school or taking some type of retraining. A career coach can use an assessment, such as the Strong Interest Inventory, to help you explore careers that match your interests and/or determine which education/training programs might be a good fit for you. 

6. You’re looking for accountability, guidance and support while you work on your career goals.

Maybe you already know what you want to do and how you’ll get started, or perhaps you’re already working toward your career goals. Even with the best laid plans you may want someone to help hold you accountable so you continue to make progress. A career coach can be that person while also providing you with whatever guidance and support you would find useful. 

If you’re ready to start making real progress toward your career goals or you’re just wanting to give your career a little more attention, it might be time to connect with a career coach. Learn more about our coaching style or test out the coaching experience by starting with our free downloads.

You are in charge of where you go from here. 

~Ashley & Larissa

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