About Us

We’re Ashley and Larissa, and we’re on a mission to help others thrive in their careers.

We founded Windrose Coaching Studio in 2020 after a night spent around a campfire talking about our career goals left us searching for greater career satisfaction. 

We had met almost a decade prior, working as career development consultants at a highly ranked post-secondary career centre. We were guiding students and graduates through career exploration and job search, delivering professional development workshops, and managing a career-focused mentorship program, all while raising busy families – but something was missing. 

Although we had both achieved the goals we set for ourselves early in our careers, we knew we had more to contribute to the field of career development. At the time, we felt like we were being called to consider what was next, what direction did we want our careers to go in? We asked ourselves, what would make us feel happier and more satisfied in our careers?

It was that night around the campfire that we discovered that meaningful work is at the centre of career satisfaction for both of us. The kind of meaning that leaves you feeling like you contributed something positive to the world. And for us, there’s nothing more meaningful than helping others be happier and more satisfied in their careers. 

We know it’s not always easy to figure out what career path to choose, what changes to make, or where to start, which is where we come in! 

Whether you’re choosing a career path for the first time, looking for a new job, or taking a serious look at how your career needs to change so you can feel happier and more satisfied, we work together with you to help you reach your goals. We want you to thrive in your career.

As experienced career counsellors, each with over 15 years working in career development and with specialized training in solution-focused brief coaching, we’ll help you figure out what direction you want your career to go in and develop a plan to get there.

You are in charge of where you go from here.

Windrose Coaching Studio is based in London and Dorchester, Ontario, and provides virtual services across Canada and in-person services for businesses in Southwestern Ontario.

Ashley Nash BA, BSW

Hey, I’m Ashley! Mama of two and happily married to a fellow wanderer at heart. I love meeting new people and learning about their career aspirations and hopes for their future.

Helping people find their way has always been my passion. After completing a degree in sociology, I decided to dive deeper and continued my education with an honours bachelor’s degree in social work. From there, I found career development and the ability to make an impact through helping others find careers and jobs they were as passionate about as I was about mine.

I’ve worked in career development since 2009 with various community organizations, in post-secondary education, and in provincial and federal employment programs. My experience includes providing career support to high school and post-secondary graduates, laid-off workers, newcomers to Canada, mid-career professionals, and people returning to the workforce after an absence. I’ve also worked with businesses, offering professional development, employee engagement, and planning workshops.

I’m a highly empathetic, patient, and warm person who genuinely cares about your story and your goals for the future. My goal for every appointment is that you feel seen, heard, and accepted for exactly who you are so you can make confident decisions leading to greater career satisfaction.

What I love most about being a career counsellor and coach is supporting people to take that first step, to realize their career goals are possible and to discover a career path that will ultimately make their life better. I also love seeing teams come together to support one another and reach their goals.

First job after university
Residential counsellor at a halfway house

Favourite family activity
Going on summer camping adventures

3 things I love
Being in the mountains or near the ocean, Hallmark movies, and the sweet sweet taste of a freshly baked brownie

Larissa Campbell BA, CDP

Hey, I’m Larissa! Proud introvert, mama of two and married to the one I can truly be myself with. From a young age I was always very interested in understanding how the mind works and what makes people who they are and so I completed an honours bachelor’s degree in psychology. I knew I wanted to use this interest and learning to help people in a practical way, so when I discovered the field of career development, I knew it was where I was meant to be. I completed a graduate certificate in career development in 2008 and have been working in the field ever since.

Throughout my experience in non-profit and post-secondary employment services, I’ve provided career planning and job search support to a wide range of individuals with various backgrounds and levels of career experience. Additionally, I have developed and delivered career exploration and job search workshops as well as researched and developed career assessment reports and user-friendly resources. My interest in personal and professional development has also led me into organizations providing team building, goal setting and planning workshops.

When I work with clients, my focus is on their reasons for engaging in career counselling and coaching, and the progress they are hoping to make. I offer a calm, kind, detailed, and thorough approach and it’s important to know that I care deeply about offering quality services that help people move forward.

It’s so rewarding to assist someone through the process of discovering their true self and realizing all of their future possibilities. I love to offer objective encouragement along with reliable information to support people as they build confidence in their career decision making and make progress toward their goals.

First job after university
Customer service rep at a psychological assessment company

Favourite family activity
Hiking and chasing waterfalls

3 things I love
Creating and appreciating art and design of all kinds, reading anything related to personal development, being in the calmness of nature

A Few Reasons Why We Make a Good Team

We love career development and personal growth - we could, actually do, spend hours talking about it

We’re obsessed with plans, processes and getting results

We both believe if there’s no purpose, it’s not worth doing!

Quality, integrity, and ethical business practices form the foundation of everything we do

One of our superpowers is collaborating to create highly effective resources, workshops and programs

Ashley likes to talk it out, Larissa prefers to listen, and Larissa likes to think it through, then Ashley likes to dive in

We’re both familiar with ordering pizza and staying up too late just to have some alone time…. more than we should

We find comfort in knowing we are both experiencing the chaos of raising a family while creating a career we love

We both feel inspired by podcasts and love learning & self-improvement

Our Education and Training

Ashley Nash

  • Member of Career Professionals of Canada
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Career Development, CERIC Canada
  • Foundations of Solution-Focused Brief Coaching Course, University of Toronto
  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Psychometrics Canada
  • Strong Interest Inventory, Psychometrics Canada
  • Personality Dimensions Level 1 Facilitator, CareerLife Skills
  • Motivational Interviewing, Empowering Change
  • Career Theory and Ethics, Douglas College
  • Honours Bachelor of Social Work, University of Victoria
  • Honours Bachelor of Arts – Sociology, Western University

Larissa Campbell

  • Member of Career Professionals of Canada
  • Foundations of Solution-Focused Brief Coaching Course, University of Toronto
  • CACEE Career Education Certificate Program
  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Psychometrics Canada
  • Strong Interest Inventory, Psychometrics Canada
  • Personality Dimensions Level 1 Facilitator, CareerLife Skills
  • Career Development Practitioner Graduate Certificate, Conestoga College
  • Crisis Intervention Declaration of Academic Achievement, Fanshawe College
  • Honours Bachelor of Arts – Psychology, Western University

What is a Windrose?

We love getting asked what a windrose is as it’s usually the starting point for a deeper conversation about happiness and fulfillment. By definition, a windrose illustrates the direction and speed of wind at a specific time and place. For us, a windrose represents a moment in a person’s life where they decide to change direction, to explore the possibilities, and to make decisions for themselves that lead to greater happiness and fulfillment. No matter what way your wind is blowing and whether or not you know where you’re going, there’s a place for you at Windrose Coaching Studio – and we’re honoured you’ve chosen us to start your journey!

Ready to be happier and more satisfied in your career?

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