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5 Easy Ways to Find Inspiration and Motivation

By July 12, 2022April 4th, 2024No Comments

I never wanted to be an entrepreneur. The thought of being responsible for everything, the inconsistent hours, and the uncertainty of making any money was just way too much for me to consider. Back in high school and university, my goal was to find a stable, decent paying job, at a well established organization that provided benefits and a pension. After years of education and several part-time and contract jobs, I landed that coveted position. It was great. I loved so many aspects of it, even though there were still some things I wished I could do that weren’t part of the job. Years later I still enjoyed many parts of my career, but I always had that little feeling that something was missing or that my career could be different or better. It took many discussions, research, A LOT of thinking (proud introvert here), and a partnership with a trusted friend and colleague before I was ready to dip my toe into the world of entrepreneurship. Underneath my decision to start my own business were feelings of inspiration and motivation for change – I knew something needed to change –  and I think those feelings are really what made me actually take action and really consider what I was looking for. 

Long before I had entertained the idea of having a business, I was already very interested in personal development and was taking in lots of content on this topic. It slowly expanded into learning more about different people and how they made life changes, career changes or built their own businesses, all while striving to be their best authentic selves. The more I was exposed to these stories and tips and suggestions, the more I felt inspired and motivated to make changes in my own life and career, until one day, that vision of having a life that included my own business was just so clear and strong in my mind, I just had to act on it.

So if you’re wondering (even just a tiny bit!) if maybe your life or career could be different or better, but you aren’t ready to make any big decisions or career moves yet, perhaps you just need to start with a little inspiration. Making any type of change can be challenging for lots of people. And if it’s something that involves a big disruption to your current way of life or leaving/altering a stable, comfortable career, it can be even harder to take that first step. I’d like to suggest one step you CAN take, and that’s to just start finding things that inspire you to make a better life for yourself.

Here are some ideas for places to get started when looking for inspiration:

1. Books

It’s no surprise that books are on this list. Just walk into an Indigo or the library and there’s definitely no shortage of options for books that could give you some inspiration. Check out the personal development or self-help section for topics that interest you. Explore the subject area for your industry. Peruse the biography section to see if someone else’s story might resonate with you. If you’re not much of a reader, don’t worry! There are lots of audio books out there as well. You are bound to find something that piques your interest and inspires you. Some of my recent favs are: anything by Brené Brown, (but Daring Greatly changed my life), Atomic Habits by James Clear, Becoming by Michelle Obama, and Burnout by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski.

2. Podcasts

While I’m relatively new to the podcast game (only a couple years in), I am addicted. Ranging from short 5-10 minute clips to full episodes of 30 minutes to over an hour,  you can likely find a podcast on absolutely any topic you want by searching keywords in your favourite podcast app. Many authors have podcasts where they dive deeper into their own work while there are other podcast hosts that interview experts, thought leaders, researchers, and regular people with inspiring stories. Have a 30 minute commute to work? Toss on a podcast. Want to make a mundane household task like doing dishes or folding laundry more enjoyable? Throw on a podcast. Waiting for your kids while they are at an activity? Toss on a podcast. Tired of the same old music you listen to during your exercise routine? Put on a podcast while you walk, cycle, etc. My go-to podcasts over the last couple of years have been Brené Brown’s Unlocking Us and Dare to Lead, and Heather Chauvin’s Mom is in Control. A couple of new ones I’m just getting into are The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos and WorkLife with Adam Grant. 

3. Social Media

I have to admit, I don’t love social media (I know…old millennial here). It can often be overwhelming and a huge time suck, and being a very introverted, private person, I don’t have much motivation to share the inner workings of my life with the world. However, as much as I’d like to unplug and quit socials for good, I just can’t! There is soooooo much great (and real, if you search for it) information and inspiration on there! From regular, everyday people that you either know personally or admire from afar, to celebrities, activists, researchers, authors, industry leaders and companies – many love to share their tips, tricks, information and inspiring stories. Follow those who inspire you to become the person you want to be and curate your newsfeed by removing others that promote opposite messaging or negatively affect your mental health. Search anything you’re interested in and you’ll find someone to follow. When you log on for your daily scroll, you’re bound to be inspired by some of what you see. Socials that I’m really loving right now are: Adam Grant, Encircled, CleanFoodCrush, Becoming Unbusy, Glennon Doyle, Simon Sinek, Brené Brown and some of my own personal contacts in my network. 

4. Thought Leaders

Depending on your interests, field of study or industry, there are all kinds of thought leaders out there sharing information along with inspiration. A simple Google search will help you to find the leaders related to your topic and then from there you can review their website and blog, sign up for their email list and follow them on socials. They might even have a podcast or a book. You can also search on LinkedIn or industry/professional association websites to find people. This is a great way to get more in-depth information about what they do as well as learn more about the person themself. Hearing their story and learning from their experiences and knowledge may motivate and inspire you to start building the life and career you want. Most of my fav thought leaders I have already listed above but I’m slowly spending more time on LinkedIn searching for people related to coaching and career development. 

5. Professional Development or Interest Classes

Going back to school after 12 years to take the Foundations of Brief Coaching course at the University of Toronto was a game changer for me. It was the catalyst that really re-ignited my interest and passion for the career development work that I do. My professor, Haesun Moon, was so amazing that I couldn’t help but be inspired to soak up everything she taught, relate it to what I had learned previously and apply it to both professional and personal aspects of my life. If you’re feeling stuck, unmotivated or just a bit “blah”, taking a course might be a way to give yourself a boost in the right direction. It could be related to your professional field or just purely for interest – either way, there are an abundance of classes available that are offered in a wide variety of formats. Some cost money while others you can do for free. Check within your current workplace or professional association for workshops or courses to take. Colleges and universities offer continuing education programs, courses and now microcredentials (or maybe you’re ready to try a full certificate or degree). Find free online, self-directed courses through websites like Coursera (which includes some Google certificates) or LinkedIn Learning (if you pay for a subscription or have access through your school). Additionally, there’s also no shortage of opportunities to take interest courses related to physical activity, the arts or whatever specific interest you have. Start by checking your local municipal recreation programs or private companies offering courses related to your area of interest. Trying out a new course might be just what you need to get motivated and at the very least, you might develop some great skills while you’re at it! 

I challenge you to start your journey with just a tiny step. Pick one or two of my suggestions above and start feeling inspired to move closer to a meaningful career and life you love. Want a super easy starting point? Join our email list to receive our weekly dose of inspiration and strategies for designing a career and life that’s right for you!

You are in charge of where you go from here. 
