Career Assessments

Career assessments (sometimes referred to as career tests) offer insight into who you are and information to help you reach your goals. 

Learn more about your interests, strengths, and personality so you can:

  • Explore career options that fit your personality and interests
  • Confirm your existing ideas and potential career paths
  • Prepare to choose an education or training program 
  • Plan for career advancement or professional development  
  • Improve your workplace communication and relationships
  • Make changes to enhance your career satisfaction

Read below for information about the assessments we use, a description of what’s included with this service, and what to expect.

Book an Appointment

Virtual Career Assessment Appointment

When you book a virtual career assessment, you’ll begin with a 30-minute initial appointment to discuss your goals, how a career assessment can help you address your goals, and decide whether to take the Myers Briggs Type Indicator or the Strong Interest Inventory. 

Following your initial appointment, you’ll be emailed a link to book your career assessment appointment. 

All career assessment appointments are virtual, 60 minutes in length and must be booked at least one week in advance to allow you time to complete your assessment prior to your appointment. Once you’ve booked, we’ll send you a link so you can independently complete your assessment at least 24 hours before your appointment time. 

During your appointment, we’ll explore your assessment report and discuss how you can use your results to move forward based on your goals. You’ll receive a PDF copy of your report as well as a Strong Interest Inventory or Myers Briggs Type Indicator workbook to help you dive deeper into your results.

$75 CAD – 30-minute Initial Appointment
$197 CAD – 60-minute Assessment Results Appointment

Book an Initial Appointment

The Assessments We Use

Strong Interest Inventory
Whether you’re choosing your first career or want to make a career change, career exploration and planning can be challenging. The Strong Interest Inventory can help you discover the careers that match your interests, work style, and preferences, while narrowing down options and providing direction for you to explore further.

This assessment can also be used in education planning to help you choose a post-secondary program that is aligned with your interests.

Following your assessment you will receive a pdf copy of your Strong Profile & Interpretive Report.

Read more and view a sample report


Book an Initial Appointment

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The MBTI guides you in developing a better understanding of yourself and others.
When you understand who you are, your personality strengths and that you have natural preferences for the way you do things, you’re able to make better decisions about your career, preferred work environment, and the type of job tasks that may be right for you.

Complete this assessment to learn more about:

  • Your personality preferences
  • Improving self-awareness
  • Areas for growth and development
  • Enhancing communication
  • Harnessing strengths
  • Understanding team dynamics
  • Improving relationships
  • How personality preferences can impact career satisfaction

Following your assessment you will receive a pdf copy of your MBTI Step I – Form M Interpretive Report.

Read more and view a sample report

Book an Initial Appointment

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