Goal SettingInspiration

New Year, Same Great You! Setting Priorities and Goals in 2024

By January 14, 2024April 4th, 2024No Comments

Some people are natural goal setters. They have a running list of what they’re working on and what’s important to them to focus on next. They thrive on knowing where they’re going.

The other camp – let’s call them the ‘want-to-but-don’t-know-how-to-get-started’ goal setters. They also have priorities and goals, but deciding what to start with and how to execute their plans might not come as easily, so they seek out guidance to find direction and stay on track. They thrive on big ideas about their future possibilities.

Both types of people live awesome lives and make progress toward their goals.

So whether you started this year with a colour-coded list of priorities or a burning desire to make changes with no clue where to start, we see you and we’re giving you a slow clap.

That’s because simply being open to making changes is the first step. The only way to increase your happiness and fulfillment is to think about what in your life makes you feel happy and fulfilled and then go after more of that.

But this time of year, messages from the media tend to involve a ‘new year, new you’ campaign. And while we love the winter hibernation months as a time to reflect and think about what’s important in the coming year, we firmly believe that you don’t become a new version of yourself just because the clock struck twelve on the last night of the year.

You are the same great you, with a whole new year of opportunity.

Many companies try their hardest in January to sell people quick fixes – products and services aimed to reduce whatever stress or insecurity they have. 

These quick fixes often don’t work in the long run because they aren’t designed to get to the root of what’s important to you, how you’d like your life to change, or what it would mean to you to make those changes.

So before you start thinking about or working on your goals, consider:

  • What’s important to you this year?
  • What would you like to start doing, do more or less of, or keep the same (because there’s no use changing a good thing)?
  • Suppose you’re getting ready to celebrate on new year’s eve next year, did you prioritize the things that mattered? What goals did you set? In what ways did you want your life to change? Did you make progress?
  • What difference would it make in your life if you started making progress on your goals?
  • What do you want to be reflecting on in one year from now?

Some people think that making a career change is the solution. But career change can sometimes end up being one of those quick fixes that doesn’t actually generate greater happiness and fulfillment unless the other areas of your life are in order.

While changing careers may be the solution for some, taking a step back to consider the various areas of your life before you make any big, concrete decisions can be useful in pinpointing what you want to prioritize or improve, and what type of change would make the biggest difference, moving you closer to your goals.

Reviewing each area of your life at the start of the year can be your chance to evaluate all the moving pieces before taking action. It can also help break down goal setting into smaller, more manageable steps. 

Either way, if you’ve decided that this year you’d like to continue being the same great you, but with different priorities or goals, and would like a free resource to get you started in thinking about the various areas of your life, check out our worksheet – Getting Started in Designing a Career & Life You Love.

Full disclosure, we also have a workbook called Design a Life You Love that’s the second step to our free worksheet and is similar to 3 appointments with a career coach, so if you’re looking for more in-depth guidance then this option might be right for you.

Whatever you choose, we hope it’s a great year.

You are in charge of where you go from here.

~ Ashley and Larissa

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