You know that humming sound that comes from somewhere under the hood of your car that’s occasionally paired with some light thumping?

You hear it and you know it doesn’t sound normal but you decide to drive around for a while, hoping it will somehow just go away.

As the issue gets progressively worse you start to wonder whether you’ll jump in your car one day and end up stranded somewhere because it won’t start.

But for some reason, you talk yourself into believing that calling a tow truck and waiting for hours in the parking lot of your grocery store seems less inconvenient than just booking an appointment with a mechanic (on a day that works best for your schedule) and getting things fixed up so you can be on your way.

A career coach is like a mechanic for the 1/3 of your life you’ll likely spend on the job.

If you’re reading this and thinking, but wait, my career doesn’t need a tow truck – then kudos to you!

Not everyone is in a career, industry or job they dislike, but for those who are, career coaching can be a great place to start if you’ve been thinking about making a career change.

Just like you might not know how to fix that humming sound coming from your car, it’s okay if you’re not sure how to get started or what you can be doing to prep for that next career move.

Here are some reasons meeting with a career coach can be helpful:

You want advice and direction from someone who has experience in career development and specific knowledge about career exploration, career transition, education planning, job searching, resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation, or whatever career-related topic you want help with.

You’re not sure where to start or what you want to do, but you know you’re ready for a change. A career coach can help you explore your ideas and options.

You really need to do braindump so you can figure out where to begin. A career coach can take all of the ideas swirling around in your mind and create a summary that you can use to help determine your next steps.

You like the career you’re in, but want to advance, find meaning in your work without changing jobs, learn to better manage your workload, or find ways of better integrating your life and work.

You want to explore what satisfying and fulfilling work looks like for you, and get direction on how and where to search for opportunities.

You want to take a  career assessment  so you can get a better understanding of your interests, personality preferences, and values.

​​You already know what you want to do and how you’ll get started, but you’re looking for someone to help hold you accountable and to help you organize your thoughts so you continue to make progress.

We know we’re biased, but career coaching can help make the career change or job search process more manageable and will save you a lot of time and effort piecing it together yourself.

Only you know what’s best for you, but whatever your next career move is, you are in charge of where you go from here

~Ashley & Larissa

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